Courteous: Etymology- 14th Century Old French word "curteis" which means having courtly bearing of manners.
Word Formation- Borrowing
Morpheme- "Court" = Stem + Eous = Suffix
Embellish: Etymology- 14th Century Old french "embelliss" stem of the word "emberllir which means make beautiful.
Word Formation-Borrowing
Morpheme- "Embell" = Stem + ish = Suffix
Beautiful: Etymology- 15th Century from Old french "beauty" + ful known for the fashionable set in the 1964 Vogue.
Word Formation-Borrowing
Morpheme- Beauty = Stem + ful = Suffix
Heavenly: Etymology- 14th Century Old English "heofonlic" in reference to the celestial music of spheres.
Word Formation- Borrowing
Morpheme- Heaven = free, Stem, lexical + ly = Suffix, bound, derivational.
Music: Etymology- 13th century old french "musique" 12th century latin "musica" & greeks "mousike" it means the use of letters to demonstrate music.
Word Formation- Borrowing; but the greeks created it
Morpheme- Muse = Stem + ic = Suffix
Emily's Corner
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Blog Post #4 - Web 2.0, Social Networking, and Technology
1. Social Networks has made a huge impact on language use. People type so much that they become lazy. people used to write complete sentences, then they started using abbreviations for everything. Example: Instead of writing Be Right Back instead people write (BRB) Abbreviations is taking over day to day conversations. The lazier people get the more abbreviations they come up with. I was on Facebook one day and my friend put " RNS " under my status. i didn't know what it meant so i googled it, come to find out it stands for " Real Nigga Shit " people would abbreviate ANYTHINGGGGG ! & it's all because of Social Sites.
2. I I think it reduces its necessity because WORLD WIDE Chinese is the highest spoken language. Only in America English Is #1 so i don't thing the spread of the internet would create a larger need for English knowledge.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Blog Post #3 - Be a Linguistic Detective!
IMbalance ; INcompatible ; INcomplete ; INdecent ; INglorious ; INgratitude ; (IL)legal ; (IL)literate ; (IM)mature ; IMperfect ; IMpossible ; (IR)rational ; (IR)responsible ; INsane ; INtolerant ; INvariable.
Each prefix ( Im -, In -, IL -, Ir - ) has the same meaning. Some prefixes just sound better depending on the word. for example: ILLEGAL , your changing the meaning Legal into NOT legal but simply adding IL in the beginning of the word. but if you was to change the word to IRLegal , or INlegal , it wouldnt sound right. that's why we use certain prefixes for certain words.
(A) Bat: V-, alveolar, stop. Book: V-, velar, stop. Cough: V-, labiodental, fricative. Ship: V-, bilabial, stop.
- They all have a voiceless phonemes.
(B) Cab:V+, bilabial, stop. Cave: V+, labiodental, fricative. Lad: V+, stop, alveolar. Rag: V+, velar, stop. Thing: V+, velar, nasal.
- They all have voiced phonemes.
(C) Bus: V-, alveolar, fricative. Bush: V-, palatal, fricative. Church: V-, palatal, affricative. Judge: V+, palatal, affricative.
- The words are mixed.
IMbalance ; INcompatible ; INcomplete ; INdecent ; INglorious ; INgratitude ; (IL)legal ; (IL)literate ; (IM)mature ; IMperfect ; IMpossible ; (IR)rational ; (IR)responsible ; INsane ; INtolerant ; INvariable.
Each prefix ( Im -, In -, IL -, Ir - ) has the same meaning. Some prefixes just sound better depending on the word. for example: ILLEGAL , your changing the meaning Legal into NOT legal but simply adding IL in the beginning of the word. but if you was to change the word to IRLegal , or INlegal , it wouldnt sound right. that's why we use certain prefixes for certain words.
(A) Bat: V-, alveolar, stop. Book: V-, velar, stop. Cough: V-, labiodental, fricative. Ship: V-, bilabial, stop.
- They all have a voiceless phonemes.
(B) Cab:V+, bilabial, stop. Cave: V+, labiodental, fricative. Lad: V+, stop, alveolar. Rag: V+, velar, stop. Thing: V+, velar, nasal.
- They all have voiced phonemes.
(C) Bus: V-, alveolar, fricative. Bush: V-, palatal, fricative. Church: V-, palatal, affricative. Judge: V+, palatal, affricative.
- The words are mixed.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Blog Post #2 - How Do You Say Your Name ?
1. Emily - /ˈɛm
2. The first syllable of my name is " ɛm " it has mid-front vowel beginning, ending with a nasal, bilabial, V+ " Mmmm " sound. The next syllable is a mid-central " ə " vowel, which is very different from the E my name begins with because it has an "a" sound. Finally, the last syllable of my name is Liquid, Alveolar, & V+ with another stressed vowel.
3. My name is Bilabial because in order to pronounce it a person has to use both lips. the second syllable hits the alveolar ridge. Then, instantly comes of the alveolar ridge to pronounce the third syllable. so it would be pronounce " em - uh - lee "

2. The first syllable of my name is " ɛm " it has mid-front vowel beginning, ending with a nasal, bilabial, V+ " Mmmm " sound. The next syllable is a mid-central " ə " vowel, which is very different from the E my name begins with because it has an "a" sound. Finally, the last syllable of my name is Liquid, Alveolar, & V+ with another stressed vowel.
3. My name is Bilabial because in order to pronounce it a person has to use both lips. the second syllable hits the alveolar ridge. Then, instantly comes of the alveolar ridge to pronounce the third syllable. so it would be pronounce " em - uh - lee "
Friday, September 9, 2011
Blog post #1 - Introduction
I only speak, read, and write in one language (english). At home my mother speaks Spanish only when im being nosey and she doesnt want me to know what she's talking. I wanted to get back at her when i was aroung 12 years old and made up "jibberish" with my cousin. It was our own language, she would get annoyed wen i speak around her because she knew i was doing it on purpose. I learned english because thats whats spoken around me, i learned a little spanish in school but being that its not a priority to speak i dont concentrate enough to learn it. Language happens when people want to communicate, anybody can make a language as long as they have others to understand or learn it. The first language u learn how to speak isnt learned its adapted. A person pays attention to there surroundings, if they hear everybody around them speaking a certain language that's the language that they're going to speak. This would make it a primary language. If you choose to learn a different language its not the same effect as the first. Your taking your time out to learn and understand a second language, the first language came naturally because its what you're used to.
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